Our Mission: To draw women both inside and outside the body of Christ into an intimate relationship with their Savior and His body.
The Women’s Ministry at Oakcrest is alive and well! We meet actively and currently have nine women of all ages serving on the ministry leadership team!
Our ministry is focused on the primary purpose that you see above. It is our desire to work in this ministry bringing honor and glory to our Heavenly Father and having a positive impact on the Kingdom of God by reaching women in as many ways as possible. Some of those include craft nights, Coffee & Conversation, Ladies Day, in-person and zoom Bible studies, meal prep days, and more.
Whether you decide to participate in only one of our activities, or one of our Bible study series or if you choose to participate in every opportunity offered, you are welcome! We truly desire to allow opportunities for all ladies to connect and grow closer to Christ and others.
Meet our Ministry Leaders
Front Row Left to Right: Heather Fowler, Hannah Fowler, Eunice Bridges, Sandy Knight, Cristyann Anderson. Back Row Left to Right: Karla Knight, Grace O’Dell, Kris O’Dell, Carrie Daniels.