We believe 1 Corinthians 12 calls us to get involved and help in ways where we feel the Spirit of God moving us.
We will always need your help in keeping our church alive and well, and if you are interested in what Oakcrest has to offer, we have multiple ministries that are thriving and active in our church and in our community. If you are interested in getting more information on a ministry or getting involved, contact the church office at (405) 631-5534.
We encourage everyone to join an existing community group or begin one with some of your friends. We currently have four consistent community groups.
Chapel Group:
Sundays / 4:00pm / Oakcrest Chapel
Our chapel group is a diverse group of adults that meets every Sunday night for study and fellowship. Communion is always offered to anyone unable to take the Lord’s Supper in the morning. The study is led by Tim Herbel, and we have great discussion about a variety of topics. We’d love for anyone to join!
Group Contact:
Alan Davenport / (405) 313-9162 / jldaven@aol.com
Jordan Group:
Sundays / 5:30pm / Various Homes
Our group has been meeting together for almost 20 years. We meet in various homes and love to study together. The relationships we have built over the years have become a huge part of our lives.
Group Contact:
Jack Jordan / (405) 651-9588 / jordo54@yahoo.com
O’Steen/Sixkiller Group:
Sundays / 6:00pm / Various Homes
Our group has been meeting together for a number of years. We are generally a group of empty nester adults, but all are welcome! We meet every week usually in one of the group member’s homes.
Group Contact:
Rick O’Steen / (405) 520-3153 / a53ricky@cox.net
Dawson Group:
Sundays / 6:00pm / Various Homes
Our group has been meeting together for about 7 years. We are generally a group of 50+ adults, but all are welcome! Just know we don’t have a babysitting plan.
Group Contact:
James Dawson / (405) 837-8375 / jandl4@gmail.com
Adult Education
Adult Education consists of a team of members who lead class and discuss options for studies.
Our audio/video team works on Sunday mornings to get the microphones turned on and in the correct location, test the speakers and the volume of each microphone, run slides and keep track of the sermon and order of worship, and make sure the system is shut down at the conclusion of worship.

Funeral Meals
One of the most stressful times in any family’s life follows the death of a loved one. One thing we can do to ease the stress is to gather the family together either before or after the loved one’s funeral and feed them a good meal. Besides the sadness and mourning that a family experiences when a loved one passes, there are so many demands in putting together a funeral ceremony, often in three days. Our ministry does not shorten this list of demands but we offer some down-time, some comfort. The family is gathered together. So many times they are still in shock. Aunts and uncles and cousins. Perhaps who have not spent time together and we give them the opportunity to break bread and catch up. We make sure there are enough plates and cups. The tables are all set up and decorated, hopefully in a favorite color. The church pays for the main course. Then volunteers by the dozens provide side dishes, drinks, and desserts. We need all kinds. And we need a few servers to make sure the food is hot and the drinks are poured. We usually try to spend a couple minutes with the family as well. We package all the left-overs to send home with the family, we wash lots of dishes, we gather up the tablecloths, and put everything away.

Foster Closet
The Oakcrest Foster Closet is run through Anna’s House Foundation and organized by some of our members. Dwight Herron works with a team to collect donations such as clothing, diapers, soap, shampoo, conditioner, new car seats, new cribs, strollers, and much more. These donations will be collected, checked, and moved into our free store where foster parents can browse and shop for the things they need in a hurry.

Guest Services
When you walk in the door, we want you to be greeted by some of our friendly faces. Guest services makes sure there is always someone greeting people at each door, helping members out of the car and into the building, parking cars if needed, and making sure everyone gets a weekly bulletin.
Hearing/Sound Devices
If you have difficulty hearing, we provide assisted hearing devices that will allow you to wear headphones and listen to the service better. Each person is assigned their own device, so that you receive the same one each time. In this ministry we need people who are willing to keep track of who needs a device, setting them up on the right frequency, and making sure they are disinfected after use.
Praise Team
Our praise team meets before worship each Sunday to practice singing each song in order to keep the congregation on the same rhythm and key. There are currently 12 members on the team, but we are always looking for added harmonies.
Sarah’s Daughters
Sarah’s Daughters has been at Oakcrest for more than a decade. The class is designed for 5th and 6th grade girls and is currently taught by Serena Combs, Linda Dawson, and Morgan Duckwall. They meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm and although many teachers have taught Sarah’s Daughters over the years, their mission stays the same. Whether it be learning about the Bible, connecting with friends and family, creating crafts, or having swim parties, Sarah’s Daughters aims to be a shining light to girls before they enter the youth group.
Security Team
As the need for safety and security has grown in recent years, so has Oakcrest’s awareness. We have a private team that works to keep our members safe and our building safe during Worship and throughout the week.
Sewing Room
Our ladies in the sewing room meet each week to make a variety of items that get sent out to the facilities we donate to. Their mission is to serve Chrsit by serving others, helping those in need through making quilts for Tipton Children’s Home, Westview Boys Home, and Hope Harbor as well as providing quilts and layettes for the Christian Service Center.

Timothy Class
The Timothy Class is designed for 4th through 6th grade boys and is currently taught by Jason Dean and Ted Merritt. They meet every Sunday at 4:00pm.
As many churches do, we have many members who are no longer able to leave their homes very often due to health concerns. Visits mean so much to them and their families. They love hearing news about their church family and the activities going on. Our shepherds are usually the first to know of illnesses, hospitalizations, and loss of life. They respond with visits, prayers, calls, and cards. These needs can also be met by our Oakcrest family and our Community Groups. Making visits with a friend or family member is a good way to begin especially if you are visiting with members you don’t know as well. The Davenport’s and The Scott’s teamed up and rarely worry about lulls in the conversation! As a courtesy, we call to ask if it is convenient to stop by. We also try to limit the visit to thirty to forty-five minutes. So, grab a friend, check the list of prayer requests in the Bulletin, make a call, and schedule a visit. Be a blessing and be blessed.